@stuckinarut2: "More hype about nothing. The GB really do have a gullible audience who will clap and ooh and ahh over the most inane "releases"."
It would be like attending a car show and hearing "NEW, from Chrysler... a car space."
the new releases for the regional convention are out at the borg's page.
but remember, you can not see them unless first you attend....
@stuckinarut2: "More hype about nothing. The GB really do have a gullible audience who will clap and ooh and ahh over the most inane "releases"."
It would be like attending a car show and hearing "NEW, from Chrysler... a car space."
hi guys!
we are so happy to share with you the interesting story of former jehovah's witnesses member jason droboth.
@Christian Gutierrez You guys really set the bar high by starting with such an incredible interview! I watched Jason's story twice. I'm just wondering how on earth you're going to top this masterpiece with episode two?!
Thank you so much, Katja, for sharing Jason's story with us all. Between your gentle nature and Jason's sincere method of delivery, this homemade docu-series has surpassed all expectations. The whole episode was just an outstanding demonstration of yours and Christian's outstanding workmanship and passion for the community.
Love to you both from Sydney.
imagine: you have inside information that could destroy the watchtower corporations.. how far would they go to protect the assets?.
would they kill?
no strange question in blackwater etc days.. g..
How far will they go to protect inside information?
$4,000 a day sounds about right.
just heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
@Phoebe That's so negligent and deadly, the way this "shepherd" dismissed you when you were checking out of this universe for good... He obviously paid attention in that atrocious elders' training video where the elder caring for a suicidal sister instructs her to chant "I am an integrity keeper" as a fix all for her inescapable suffering.
Just like cyber bullies have to answer to the law when a teen suicides as a result of the merciless taunting online, so should these elders for every congregational member who didn't pull through the way you did. I wonder how many poor souls weren't as strong as you, Pheebs. We're just so lucky to have you here today supporting us on this forum. I can't imagine how much more fortunate your children are to have a mother as lucid and resolved as you are today
i read the above posted article and it made me wonder how many narcicistic people join the borg because it fits well with their personality.
i also wonder if being indoctrinated makes you become narcicistic.
All Witnesses fall short of the perfect standard they're held to by the Organization's teachings and culture. The subconscious fear of congregational discovery and subsequent judgement, coupled by the deadening discomfort of impending destruction at Armageddon creates a cocktail of psychological dysfunction. A few bow under pressure and become the depressive types who you see burning out along the way. And a great deal find comfort in pure deflection. In order to avoid confronting their own heinous imperfections, they project all of their indiscretions and shortcomings onto others, thereby absolving themselves from any negative attention. The position of constantly looking for and pointing out the faults of others as a diversion from taking stock of their own is the core element of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
a kingdom hall near a small community called yelm was shot up.
yelm is where two kingdom halls where set on fire about a month ago.
i think someone, exjw, in that area is really pissed off..
@stuckinarut2 My father told me that the brother delivering the public talk shot up like a rocket from the impact. He's the same brother who married my folks. And to this day, one of my older brothers works for him. That brother still walks with a limp, nearly four decades later :(.
spoke to my younger brother dan yesterday (he da'd about 6 months ago).
he was telling me that he got a visit from our older brother the day before.
our older brother was raised a jw but never committed, lives a full-on "worldly" life - smokes, binge drinks, hangs out with non-jws, but he's been studying for about 6 years would you believe?.
Dan should have said he'd throw in some free pre-workout with the weights:
i don't really have an opinion on the them one way or another.. when i was growing up the only place you saw them were on old ex military guys.
they had eagles with american flags or a heart with a knife through it.
some were so old and faded out you didn't know what they were supposed represent anymore.
@punkofnice *clinks glass with yours* To destiny. And some forlorn-looking pillows.
As for the 'C' word on your shoulder, I can't think of anything more crass that having Cult tattooed onto my body.
a kingdom hall near a small community called yelm was shot up.
yelm is where two kingdom halls where set on fire about a month ago.
i think someone, exjw, in that area is really pissed off..
Thanks for the link, @punkofnice. Check this quote out:
"Lynam says the shooting incident has not rattled his faith, though he does have a message for those who are responsible. 'As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we look to God’s kingdom to change the effects of what’s happening today… they really need to think about what they’re doing and they can be forgiven as long as they repent from what they’re doing.'"
Good job, shooter. Siege mentality is precisely what unites people. Whether it's a nation struck by terror, or a minority cult that's wronged you.
just heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
@stuckinarut2 I saw a therapist for SIX YEARS when dealing with some self destructive behavior that started after some trauma I suffered at the hands of some elders as a 17 year old. NEVER ONCE did I EVER tell my therapist that I was a Jehovah's Witness. I was too concerned about protecting the cult! What if she thought bad of Jehovah's Witnesses after hearing all the grotesque thoughts and actions I was carrying out?! Why, that would prevent her from one day becoming a Witness!
That therapist was unable to help me. Fortunately, I managed to turn that ship around a few years later before resorting to the shipwreck of suicide - an option I was dangerously close to resorting to at that time. I'm so saddened that this brother didn't have the outlet of saying what was really wrong. Secrets tend to bury us further than the physical grave :(.